Once again I loved this blog Tori. I have 2 so called “dirty foods” Firstly curried boiled eggs and rice with banana!! All 3 of us had this almost every Thursday growing up! It was passed on to my own children growing up and to this day they are still traumatised. My second is porridge made with milk, sugar and a big knob of butter plonked on the top left to melt lovingly into the aforesaid. Blooming lovely. Made with loving care by our mamo and mum and yet again, as a family tradition, passed on to my children. This is where the tradition stops as none of my grandsons have had the dirty pleasure of these foodstuffs. Big love to you Tori see you in April😍😍😍

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Butter on my porridge. cold lasagne. Have just read Auntie Julie’s below (my sister) and that helped me to understand the butter on porridge. Haven’t had curried boiled eggs since I was 12, remember them quite fondly to be fair…dont remember the bananas bit!! When I first started work and took my own lunch, I used to have 2 ryvita, spread very thinly with butter and covered in Schwarz Lamb Seasoning! Try it before you judge it! Xxxx

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